Email Security, Compalince and Encryption
Are you only relying on your email platform’s baked in spam filtering? You could be leaving yourself open to a range of threats.
What is email filtering?
Most major email providers use built in settings to move emails to “junk” or “spam.” These settings work great for unwanted advertising. However, they are not as effective in blocking incoming phishing emails that are designed to steal your personal information. These settings also do not prevent users from visiting websites known to contain malware.
Additional email security and compliance services can be layered on to block phishing emails and prevent users from visiting problematic sites.
How does it work?
Email filtering analyzes incoming emails for common trigger words, problematic content or design of the email, previously flagged IP addresses or senders, etc. Emails from unknown senders containing links or attached documents may also set off these phishing filters.
Phishing filters will typically move flagged emails to an additional inbox and place them “on hold” until you release, block, or allow it.
Releasing an email sends it to your normal inbox to be opened. In the future you will have to continue approving emails from the sender. If an email is blocked, then the email is rejected and the sender will be now be blocked from sending you future emails.
What are other ways to protect my network?
- Implement Two-Factor (2FA) / Multi-Factor (MFA) solutions: These solutions add an additional layer of protection to your users.
- Recognize signs of a scam: Engage your team in regular security training and phishing simulations.
- Strengthen password security: Use a password manager and limit repeating passwords across different accounts
- Maintain up to date hardware and software: Work with your IT firm to ensure you are using the most up to date and secure platforms
Remember that email filtering is only a portion of a whole cybersecurity plan used to keep your company safe.
How can PremierePC help?
PremeirePC is partnered with MailProtector (here in Greenville) to offer a range of email security and compliance services.
Learn more about our email security and compliance offerings and overarching cybersecurity support.
All services sold by the user by the month, no long-term commitments or up-front fees. Services are limited to managed service plan clients.